+91 98332 77565 aparna@feelingpeckish.in

My first blog post! Since I’m currently in the throes of a new way of eating (I prefer not to call it a diet, seems too strict, no?) what better to write about than my wonderful Keto journey! For those of you curious about Keto, I’d recommend starting here: Ruled and here: Kilter

After inadvertently fasting for 18.5 hours, (it feels fantastic, by the way – so much mental clarity and focus!) I made myself a delicious brunch of eggs scrambled with butter and spinach, a crunchy salad of romaine and cucumber dressed simply with olive oil, salt, pepper and vinegar and some black coffee with a touch of butter and coconut oil. I feel satisfied and not overly full. Sometimes it’s nice to experience true hunger, no?

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